About Us
The International Au Pair Association
IAPA is a global not-for-profit organisation with 30 years of history. We currently have more than 150 member organisations in over 40 countries worldwide. We ensure that our member organisations meet strict business and ethical standards, agreeing to abide by the IAPA code of conduct, signifying competence, fair dealing and high integrity.

The Aims and Objectives of the Association Are:
We are the dedicated voice for the au pair and cultural exchange community with a mission to support and represent our members, giving au pair programmes a presence on the international stage.
We foster mutual understanding and cooperation between member organisations helping them to provide high quality au pair experiences.
We develop and strengthen cultural ties between nations by promoting au pair programmes among young people and host families, creating opportunities for them to take part in a transformative cultural exchange experience.
We act as an intermediary between agencies and governments, lobbying for the expansion of programs worldwide and their fair treatment as a valuable cultural exchange experience.
We advocate for safe and supportive placements for au pairs and host families by ensuring our members adhere to our specific guidelines/ rules and regulations.
The General Assembly
- Vote for their Executive Board
- Stand for Board positions themselves
- Decide on projects and activities (executed together with the Managing Director)
- Vote on membership applications and disaffiliations
The AGM is an opportunity for our members to directly influence the policies, goals and work of IAPA.
The last in-personAGM took place in Luxembourg on March 17, 2019 during our annual conference WETM-IAC.
In October 2020 and 2021 we held our next AGM virtually. 2022 we plan to be able to offer our members an in-person AGM again in March in Malta during WETM-IAC

Who We Are
Our Executive Board is formed and elected by our members. To be elected for a position on the IAPA Executive Board you must be a Full Member of IAPA (voting or non-voting). Executive Board Members are elected for a period of three years.
Once that period has ended any Board Member is eligible for re-election.
Find out more about the IAPA Board members´ duties and responsibilities and the different roles within the Board.
Our current IAPA Executive Board consists of the following members:
![IMG-7495[1] Kopie Photo of Michael McHugh, IAPA Chair](https://www.iapa.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/IMG-74951-Kopie-224x224.png)
Michael McHugh
Au Pair USA by InterExchange

Charlotte Cappa-Domenge
AFJ Au Pair

Sarah Kelly

Kati Mäder

Managing Director
Patricia Brunner
IAPA Office Munich Germany info@iapa.org