Why Become A Member?
Boost your visibility
Belong to our global community
Receive valuable networking opportunities
Share ideas, experience and knowledge
Benefit from expert industry information
Be recognised as a quality agency
Who Can Become a Member?
IAPA has about 150 members in 45 countries worldwide.
All of our members are qualified organisations and agencies actively engaged in au pair and cultural exchange services. Our members have all been active organisations for a minimum of two years before joining IAPA.
We share a common goal – to collaborate professionally for the ongoing support, care and development of our industry on an international level.
Connect with us – join our international network!

Member Categories
IAPA offers a variety of different membership packages to organisations and agencies involved in au pair and cultural exchange programs. Please see below for an overview of what is involved in the different categories.
Full Voting
Full Non-Voting
(subsidiary of Full Voting Member)
Membership Fees
Our membership year runs from 1 January – 31 December. When you join IAPA during the course of the year, you will pay a pro-rata rate for the first year.
The description of our membership categories can be found on our how to join page.
The annual membership fees are listed below.
Membership Category | IAPA Membership Fee 2024 |
Full Membership Voting (< 10 employees) | € 700.00 |
Full Membership Voting (> 10 employees) | € 800.00 |
Full Membership Non-Voting | € 450.00 |
Associate Membership | € 950.00 |
Affiliate Membership | € 500.00 |
National Associations (> 10 members) | € 150.00 |
How to Apply
- Fill in the ‘become a member’ form.
- Email the managing director with the following documents:
- A copy of your organisation’s Charter (e.g company registration, statuses, constitution, by-laws or articles of association)
- A copy of your organisation’s most recent audited annual accounts.
- A non-refundable processing fee of 150,- € is applicable once we have received your application and references
- After the screening of your application the IAPA Executive Board will decide on the acceptance of your organisation as IAPA member

Application Requirements
- You must be recommended for membership by two organisations of which at least one is a (full-voting) member of IAPA
- According to the membership you seek to obtain your business has to have been active for a certain period of time (see chart above)
We will set up a personal call to answer your questions, find out more about how your company qualifies and to decide which of our membership categories will suit you best. We are dedicated to maintaining a group of quality au pair organisations and in order to become part of our trusted community, all our members must fulfill these requirements and undergo a thorough screening by IAPA, agreeing to follow our Codes of Conduct and quality guidelines.
Membership Renewal
Membership is continuous from 1 January until 31 December until you resign.
Please resign in writing at least three months before the end of the membership year. Cancellation of membership will then take effect from the next calendar year.
The IAPA Executive Board may decide to suspend or terminate membership if the membership fees have not been paid in full on the due date or if unethical behaviour has occurred. This will take immediate effect and be subject to review and ratification at the AGM. IAPA reserves the right to inform other members of the suspension or termination.