Alisson Bernarda Haro Zuniga wins IAPA´s 2022 Au Pair of the Year Award

Alisson Bernarda Haro Zuniga wins IAPA´s 2022 Au Pair of the Year Award

Another strange year for the IAPA Au Pair community has passed and once again we were not able to hand out the Au Pair of the Year Award in person during our annual event WETM-IAC in Malta

IAPA Chair Linda James announces the winner during WETM-IAC 2022 in Malta

However, this year was the first year we could at least present the winner and show our Au Pair of the Year Award video to a live audience during our Conference on 19 March 2022 in Malta. In Malta’s beautiful Casino we not only opened the conference, but also celebrated this year’s winner and our two Runners Up.

Watch the Award video

Click on the photo below to watch the video on YouTube

2022 IAPA Au Pair of the Year


What the host family says about Alisson
Alisson arrived in August 2021 and ever since the Horn family and Alisson grew together. They went through good and very difficult times together making them feel like real family.

Her caring and compassion was evident from the start, but the way that she comforted me and told me to go be with my dad when I paused to worry if I should stay or fly to Texas let me know that she understood family, and that she was now part of ours.”

“…Alisson was so strong and present for the children, going above and beyond her duties as an au pair. She was family.


What Alisson says about her Au Pair Experience in the US

“What does it mean to learn new things? It can be defined in different elements, and I personally must thank life for giving me the opportunity to be an au pair. It helped me to learn to value my family, meet wonderful people who are now my second family, and above all gave me knowledge that I am a warrior; everything that is proposed to me to fulfill, it will take time, but with effort everything will happen!” 


Meet Our 2022 Jury

Our jury, among them last year´s Au Pair of Year Flynn Michael Legg, selected Alisson among the many entries.
ies we received from our members and their host families. All of them wonderful au pairs who have made a great difference in their host families life, especially during this difficult times and are all true ambassadors for this cultural exchange programme.

We also congratulate the two IAPA member organisations who cooperated in placing Alisson with the Horn family in the USA.
Placing Agency
Go Au Pair, USA
Sending Agency
Au Pair to the World, Ecuador


Congratulations to this year’s Runners Up
Hanna Kuhlmann
Rani Bonnares
Country of Origin
Host Family
Host Country
Nomination and Au Pair Essays
Placing Agency
Sending Agency