Australian au pair visa extension to up to 12 months

Further to the meeting that took place between the Cultural Au Pair Association of Australia (CAPAA) and Minister of Social Services Scott Morrisson in June, the Australian government has now decided that – effective immediately – Working Holiday Maker visa holders (subclasses 417 and 462) who have worked as an au pair for six months with one family and wish to continue working will be able to go through a simple, extension process allowing them to work up to 12 months with one family until their Working Holiday Maker visa expires.
Until now au pairs could stay for a maximum of six months with a family due to working time restrictions conditions on the visa.
“Families will be ecstatic about the option for their au pairs to stay up to one year” says Wendi Aylward, president of CAPAA.
“Longer placements will address seasonal shortage of au pairs, and cause less disruption for families as the bond formed between children and their au pair can continue for a longer period.”
Au Pairs who want to extend their stay with their host family need to apply for an extension through the Department of Immigration and Border protection and use the existing form 1445 that will be updated to reflect the new regulations.
Read the full CAPAA press release >>
Read the updated information on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website: Subclass 417 and Subclass 462 >>