Looking for an au Pair agency?

Dear Au Pair applicant,

thanks a lot for your interest in becoming an au pair.

We always recommend you to use an IAPA member agency to ensure you will have a safe and happy au pair experience.

Please look for a suitable agency in your home country in our member search. Simply put in your country and you will see a list of member agencies in your home country that you can contact for further information.

For general information see also our part about the au pair program www.iapa/org/au-pairs/


Beware of Scams!

  • Inform yourself well about the au pair program in general and the conditions and visa requirements in your future host country

  • Don’t trust any offers that sound “too good too be true”. 
  • Don’t send any money abroad. Agencies will not ask you to wire money abroad
  • Beware! Some scammers use the names and logos of legit organizations.
  • Always talk to your future host family and the agency in a personal call
  • Use an IAPA agency in your home country

If you have any doubts or questions please contact us info@iapa.org

IAPA Au pair Enquiry

  • Please provide the requested information below. Please note: IAPA is not an au pair agency and we ourselves do not engage in any au pair placements. You can't apply with IAPA directly However, given your consent below, the details you submit will be provided to relevant IAPA member agencies in your country or the country you intend to travel to should there not be an agency in your home country. This form is only for young people who are interested in participating in the cultural exchange program au pair. Make sure to inform yourself on our au pair program pages first. If you prefer not to submit any personal data but you are looking for an IAPA member agency you can also use the member search area https://www.iapa.org/our-members/ where you can find all our members. It is useful to search for an agency in your home country.
  • Note: Au-pair is a youth exchange program for young people under 30. Many countries even have lower age limits around 26 or 27.
  • Give your country of citizenship. If you live in another country now please write this below in the notes.
  • Au pair is a cultural exchange program. It is not a program to immigrate in a country or stay longer than 1 year (only in few cases up to 2 years)
  • Hidden
    I have understood and agree to IAPA´s privacy policy. I agree that my personal data given in this form will be sent to IAPA member agencies in my home country so they can contact me and give me information on au pair programmes and application processes to become an au pair abroad. I understand that IAPA will only use the data for this purpose and store it safely for a limited time. My personal details will not be sold nor will I receive any marketing from IAPA. I understand that I can contact IAPA anytime if I want to see what data is stored about me and/or if I want IAPA to delete my personal data by sending an e-mail to info@iapa.org.