IAPA is committed to supporting the Au Pair community during COVID 19

IAPA is committed to supporting the Au Pair community during COVID 19

Message from Acting Chair Linda James and the IAPA Board to all members:


Dear  IAPA member 

As a valued member of our Association, we wanted to take this opportunity to reach out to you at this very difficult time and simply say… we’re here for you.

The Coronavirus pandemic continues to affect all of us in every aspect of our daily lives, both personally and professionally. As always our members are at the centre of everything we do at IAPA – and supporting, and strengthening our community at this challenging time is our top priority.
We appreciate that you are all dealing with difficult situations and unexpected developments every day as you assess the impact of this situation on your businesses, your teams and your participants. Whilst at the same time adapting to new ways of working and going about your daily lives.

So we don’t want to bombard you with messages – but do want to help and support you however we can.

We are working on gathering a summary of the impact of coronavirus on au pair programmes in all of our member countries as well as a special page for au pairs to answer some of their questions and keep them interested in the programme. And will be publishing that soon with updates on an ongoing basis.

We’d also like to hear from you about what else you would find helpful from us at this time. So please share your thoughts and ideas and we will work hard to respond.

At this tumultuous time, we can take heart in the strength and depth of our community – and know that we will overcome this latest challenge as we have done with many others before this.

Please contact our Managing Director Patricia Brunner at patricia.brunner@iapa.org for any questions, information feedback you have. And if you have any useful information that we could share with the community please don´t hesitate to pass it on to her.
We have also created a special e-mail address covidsupport@iapa.org where au pairs (and host families) can ask questions and we can direct them to all IAPA agencies in their country.

For now, please stay safe and stay in touch,

Linda and the IAPA Board

Linda James
IAPA Acting Chair