IAPA welcomes Au Pair Experience and Travel as the latest Affiliate member
IAPA happily welcomes Au Pair Experience and Travel S.A.S. as the newest Colombian Affiliate member.
Au Pair Experience and Travel was established in early 2014 and is based in Barranquilla, Colombia.
They offer the au pair programme, to open a new and different way of allowing young native Spanish speakers in the age of 18 to 27, to learn and develop a second language, while living with a host family abroad and in this way experiencing new places and cultures around the world. Au Pair Experience also keeps in touch with the applicants after they have travelled, to make sure they feel their continued assistance in any request they ask for.
Au Pair Experience currently works with 12 partner agencies in Europe, North America, and Asia.
Au Pair Experience’s goal is to keep sending more au pairs to develop their education, language and culture. As an IAPA member Au Pair Experience and Travel hopes to find more partners, to aid in this goal.
To learn more about Au Pair Experience and Travel, visit their website: http://www.experienciaaupair.com.co/, check out their YouTube channel or connect with them on Facebook.