Let’s Celebrate Au Pairs! International Au Pair Day

Let’s Celebrate Au Pairs! International Au Pair Day

During our last AGM at WETM-IAC 2019  in Luxembourg we revealed our plan to establish an International Au Pair Day. We are now ready to officially announce the first International Au Pair Day which will be celebrated on 24 November 2019.

What is International Au Pair Day ?

International Au Pair Day is a global celebration of all au pairs and their contribution to cultural exchange around the world.

Just like we celebrate mothers, fathers, families or other special peoplewe would like to celebrate au pairs. By annually celebrating together, we hope to:

  • Raise the profile and visibilityof au pairs, and legal au pair programs, around the world.
  • Recognise and thank au pairsfor what they do for host families and their children and for the part they play in fostering global understanding.
  • Unite the au pair community and establish 24th November as a recognised day of annual au pair celebrations.

Why did we choose 24 November?

24 November 2019 marks the 50th Anniversary of the release of the “European agreement on au pair placements” by the Council of Europe  in 1969.

For the first time an official set of rules and regulations was defined and established in many European countries. This European agreement still serves as the basis for European and other programmes worldwide to define the au pair´s and host family´s duties and rights.
Therefore the 24 November is a symbolic date. We remember the beginnings of the programme and, at the same time look to the future by celebrating the International Au Pair Day annually from now on.


What can you do?

Your support and active contribution will be critical to make this day an unforgettable one – and one which marks the beginning of a yearly celebration of au pairs.

Spread the news and share the excitement:

  • Go to the webpage we created just for this event in www.internationalaupairday.comand share this linkwith your host families, au pairs, officials, the press…
  • Find the event on Facebookand Instagram, like, share, comment 
  • Use the following hashtagswhenever you mention the International Au Pair Day #InternationalAuPairDay and#IAPD

Find some intitial ideas on our website here and don´t hesitate to come up with more ideas and share them with us http://internationalaupairday.com/#how

How can you celebrate the International Au Pair Day?

There are no limits to your options for celebrating au pairs – but here are a few suggestions and we encourage you to share yours too.

  • Arrange a multicultural celebration for your au pairs:
    a picnic, an outing or a sight-seeing tour. Maybe invite host families and their children too.
  • Organise a team activity which brings everyone together e.g. a ‘bake off’ or charity sports match
  • Contact us to share your ideas for the International Au Pair Day
  • Send us photos, videos, reports etc. that you create on the topic that we can share with the community via our channels

E-mail us at info@internationalaupairday.com  to share your thoughts and ideas.