New Brand Identity for IAPA

New Brand Identity for IAPA

As we already announced during the IAPA AGM in Seville IAPA has undergone a complete brand identity development together with a brand specialist.

The Trusted Voice for the Au Pair Community

With our new identity – expressed through our logo –  we want to show a connected world, a roof for everyone we care for and a smile for the cultural exchange experience the au pair programme creates.


We were able to present our new logo and brand identity to our members in Seville where we received very positive reactions.

Over the last months we have been working on a new website and change in communication using our new brand. As you can imagine setting up a new website is always lots of work and it took us longer than anticipated.

However, the website will be ready soon and we would like to show you our logo again so you can get used to it and start recognizing it as we will start to replace our old logo with this one from now on in our communication. You will see it more and more in our communication and the one of our members.

We hope you like our new, fresh look and please stay tuned for more to come very soon.