We welcome our new affiliate member Global Exchange Int. Colombia

We welcome our new affiliate member Global Exchange Int. Colombia

Global Exchange International is a recognized international agency that promotes the educational, personal and social growth of young people of Colombia, through cultural exchange programs abroad.

Global Exchange International provides advice and support in the process of selection, application, visa and placement to participants of the au pair program.
The organizations´ goal is to provide fast and safe placements and to make sure participants can travel travel to their destination country in the shortest possible time or the one established in the contract. Their staff also provides detailed, adequate and complete information about the program and life conditions in the host country. 
The agency cooperates with sponsor agencies in the United States, China, France and Germany. These partners are responsible for the recruitment and screening of families who will welcome and host program participants, treat them like family members and offer food lodging and pocket money in return to the au pair´s support with childcare and light housework. Au pairs have the opportunity to learn the language of the host country by attending language classes and immerse in the new culture and way of life thus taking with them experiences and knowledge for their whole life.
Find out more about Global Exchange International here: www.globalexchangeinternational.org