We welcome our new Affiliate Member The French American Center, France
The French American Center is a non profit association which has been working to offer exchange programmes and help people to broaden their horizons since 1991.
The organization offers pre-placement cultural orientation and language courses to all their au pairs. The dedicated team helps the applicants to prepare for their departure. But it doesn’t end with the departure: participants receive ongoing support when they are in the host family. The Ranch American Center team helps and advises in case of difficulties in adapting. A lot of time is spent with every single applicant getting to know them, helping to manage expectations and give them the best preparation for being responsible for children in a foreign country. The organization´s resources and experience, as well as the setup of their center, help them to offer a high quality service to participants and a strong and reliable partnership to agencies abroad who select the host families and place the au pairs.
Find out more about the French American Center