Welcome to our new affiliate member YES!Au Pair China
May 12, 2020
YES!Au Pair is an in-bound Au Pair program agency based in Shanghai, China. They are dedicated to the matching of Chinese host families with international Au Pairs aiming to create a unique “EXPERIENCE” for both of them because they believe that “Au Pair” is a lifestyle.
YES!Au Pair cultural exchange program is a safe and reliable way for international youth to explore China. As an educational Au Pair program, the organisation makes every efforts to guarantee the Au Pair to immerse into the family life and the Chinese culture. Au Pairs can count on YES! Au Pair´s staff for support throughout their entire stay. They proud themselves of their Chinese host families for their trust, kindness, and satisfaction with the Au Pairs.
If you want to learn more about Yes! Au Pair China please visit their website www.yesaupair.cn